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I have recently decided to explore the world of poetry writing and in my research on various subjects decided to create this site to ease some of the pain of many roads traveling down assorted alleys of the internet to find the information most useful to me.


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Beware the morning silent predator,
Stalking everything sight as prey;
Taking no regard for damage to property,
Wreaking havoc and leaving cold remains.

This hunter knows no boundaries,
Nothing is safe from its influence;
It is rarely welcomed or even wanted,
The act is part of nature and time.

Each moment this shadow waits to pounce,
With slow and determined unwavering speed;
The only recourse is to move from the path,
And await the happening to resolve itself.

This is the time of year of the occurrence,
And lasting in only parts of the land;
Some may never observe this incident,
As the frost appears only when cold enough.

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