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I have recently decided to explore the world of poetry writing and in my research on various subjects decided to create this site to ease some of the pain of many roads traveling down assorted alleys of the internet to find the information most useful to me.

No Longer Summer

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Leaves cascading across the grass turned brown,
Gray skies abound on the horizon more each day;
Trees are bare, with no foliage to cover their frame,
A crispness is noticed more than in the past months.

Winter birds are gathering for food at the feeder,
An occasional deer crosses the yard near dusk;
Friendly squirrels searching for nuts to hide and store,
But no chipmunks have been spotted for some time.

No grass to mow but soon time to shovel instead;
Planting and harvest are done for the time being;
Contemplating the crops for the coming year,
To continue the cycle of growing food for family.

The morning ground crunches when walking on it,
A damp crispness air is more prevalent of late;
Days are shorter and the nights appear colder,
Time to add more blankets to the bedding.

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