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I have recently decided to explore the world of poetry writing and in my research on various subjects decided to create this site to ease some of the pain of many roads traveling down assorted alleys of the internet to find the information most useful to me.

Simple Life of a Gnome

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Nighttime is soon upon us,
Let tricks and pranks begin;
With so many gardens to choose from,
Each foray is a new adventure.

To race among the flowers and trees,
And menace the neighborhood pets;
There is no malice in after sunset,
Only small distractions before the dawn.

The life of a garden gnome is special,
Adorning each placement with pride;
The minor reward for protection,
No matter what state or country.

Life is simple among the statues,
Long life under the evening stars;
Sporadic rain to wash away the dust,
And contemplating what lies ahead.

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