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I have recently decided to explore the world of poetry writing and in my research on various subjects decided to create this site to ease some of the pain of many roads traveling down assorted alleys of the internet to find the information most useful to me.

Winter Sky

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The winter sky appears dark and foreboding,
Clouds gather and seem as an angry mob.
Barren ground is frigid and unyielding,
A harbinger of what to expect this season.

While some denizens search for shelter,
Others scurry about looking for food.
The colors of autumn will soon fade,
To be replaced with the essence of cold.

In the distance a solitary leaf holds on,
And I approached to view more it closely.
When the object is near my grasp,
It breaks off and fall to the ground below.

The stars seem much brighter in winter,
And the sky is crisper and more visible.
Grass has a certain crunch when walked on,
Summer birds have mostly moved on.

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