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I have recently decided to explore the world of poetry writing and in my research on various subjects decided to create this site to ease some of the pain of many roads traveling down assorted alleys of the internet to find the information most useful to me.

Cooler Days

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The life spent leaves have begun to fall
A hint of frost is in the air
Some animals have begun their winter slumber
A sign that winter is fast approaching

The green of grass and flowers are gone
A sea of brown has taken their place
No more warm days and just the cold
Soon snow will cover the landscape

Snowbirds are slowly arriving searching for food
And with them comes the squirrels as well
With tails held high and senses on the alert
The winter creatures are on the move

After the first of the cold days
A wanting for warm again will be on the mind
Each season has its own purpose
And the cycle goes on again

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