Whimsical Bard

Writing for fun and pleasure
Famous Poets of the Past
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• Alfred, Lord Tennyson - 1809 ~ 1892
• Dante Alighieri - 1265 ~ 1321
• E. E. Cummings - 1894 ~ 1962
• Edgar Allen Poe - 1809 ~ 1849
• Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1806 ~ 1861
• Emily Dickinson - 1830 ~ 1886
• Ezra Pound - 1885 ~ 1972
• Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1807 ~ 1882
• Jalal al-Din Rumi - 1207 ~ 1273
• John Donne - 1572 ~ 1631
• John Keats - 1795 ~ 1821
• John Milton - 1608 ~ 1674
• Langston Hughes - 1901 ~ 1967
• Lewis Carroll - 1832 ~ 1898
• Li Bai - 701 AD ~ 762 AD
• Lord Byron - 1788 ~ 1824
• Mark Twain - 1835 ~ 1910
• Maya Angelou - 1928 ~ 2014
• Oscar Wilde - 1854 ~ 1900
• Pablo Neruda - 1904 ~ 1973
• Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1803 ~ 1882
• Robert Frost - 1874 ~ 1963
• Rudyard Kipling - 1865 ~ 1936
• Sappho - 630 BC ~ 570 BC
• Shel Silverstein - 1930 ~ 1999
• Sylvia Plath - 1932 ~ 1963
• T.S. Eliot - 1888 ~ 1965
• Thomas Hardy - 1840 ~ 1928
• W.B. Yeats - 1865 ~ 1939
• Walt Whitman - 1819 ~ 1892
• William Blake - 1757 ~ 1827
• William Shakespeare - 1564 ~ 1616
• William Wordsworth - 1770 ~ 1850


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